Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc.
Rules and Regulations
Holy Cross Cemetery
Fort Smith, Arkansas
For the mutual protection and benefit of grave owners, the following Rules and Regulations have been adopted by Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc. for the Roselawn and Holy Cross, perpetual care, locations. All grave owners and visitors within the Cemeteries and all graves sold shall be subject to said Rules and Regulations, and subject further to such other Rules and Regulations, amendments or alterations as shall be adopted from time to time.
All lots shall be held and used in accordance with the Bylaws, the Rules and Regulations of Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc., and shall not be used for any other purpose than the burial of human remains.
Lot holders shall not allow interments to be made in their lots for compensation, nor shall any transfer or assignment or interest therein be valid without the written consent of Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc. who must endorse upon such transfer and enter into the record.
Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc., reserves a protectorate over each and every lot, parcel, or grave sold. No lot or grave shall be molested or marred, nor body disinterred without the written consent of Fort Smith Cemeteries Inc., its officers or duly authorized agent.
No Interment of a body will be made in a grave which is not fully paid.
When a lot is held jointly, a permit for interment may be granted to either owner or their heirs, upon completion of a duly executed interment order. The interment order must be signed by the lot owner, or the heir indicating which grave space is to be used. Otherwise Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability as to the lot owner or heirs’ desires of interment space used.
When burial is required, interment information must be received from the attending Funeral Director. Complying with state laws, the Cemetery will require a record of the following particulars: Full name of deceased, date of birth, date of death, age, outside container to be used, date, time and location of funeral service (as approved by cemetery), who is responsible for payment of open/close, cost of open/close and person making arrangements, their address and phone number.
The cemetery reserves the right of a minimum of 72 hours to locate and prepare a grave.
Once a casket containing a body is within the confines of the Cemetery, no funeral director nor his embalmer, assistant, employee or agent shall be permitted to open the casket, or to touch the body without the consent of the next of kin or of the legal representative or the deceased, or of an order signed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
No interment of two or more bodies shall be made in one grave except in the case of a parent and infant or two infants buried in one casket. Special care must be taken to properly mark the grave with the individuals’ names when two bodies such as a parent and infant or two infants are interred in the same grave. No interment of a body may be made unless the remains are contained in a casket and vault. One set of cremains may be interred above an existing single casket burial. A single burial plot may also be used for the interment of up to the maximum of two sets of cremains.
No lot, nor parcel of ground shall be defined by fence, railing, landscaping stone, enclosures, except as created by Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc..
No trees, shrubs, nor plants may be planted on any lot without the written consent of Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc.. Any trees, shrubs or plants discovered, without written consent on file, can and may be removed and destroyed.
All trees, shrubbery or flowers growing or planted in the cemeteries, shall remain the property of Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc. and cannot be removed without written permission.
The management reserves the right, without notice, to remove from lots, glassware, boxes, cans, pots, temporary flower containers, dead flowers, broken decorations, or any article or object that may be unsightly or interfere with the cutting of grass or create unnecessary maintenance for cemetery personal. Cut flowers, funeral designs and floral pieces, will be removed when they become unsightly. Persons desiring to retain baskets, designs or mementos, should remove them within twenty-four hours of interment.
Visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that grants due respect to the deceased. Visitors are prohibited from damaging plants or trees or disturbing the birds or wildlife.
Domestic pets, other than service animals are not permitted on cemetery grounds or in any cemetery buildings.
All active forms of recreation are prohibited on cemetery grounds.
Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs and disrespectful activity in not permitted.
All vehicles shall are required to adhere to posted speed limits of 15 miles per hour, while on cemetery grounds. All vehicles, except those belonging to the cemetery must be confined to the roads.
The management of the Cemetery is required to see that these rules are strictly observed. The power to enforce these rules is fully delegated to the caretaker and groundskeeper of the Cemeteries.
No monument, marker, mausoleum or bench shall be placed or erected on any grave or lot until purchase price of grave or lot has been paid in full.
- Grave monuments (aka: headstones or die stock set on a base) rise above the grave in a variety of shapes and sizes.
- Grave markers lie flat, flush to the ground.
- Mausoleums are built as free-standing monuments to house the remains of the deceased.
- A Bench is a place to sit and reflect on the life of your loved one. They are usually made out of solid granite and customized with name and date.
- Memorial Vase must be granite, marble or metal and manufactured for cemetery use.
All monument die stock must be a minimum of 8” thick, same finish front and back. No die less than 30” wide by 18” high OR 18” wide by 30” high, set on a base that is a minimum of 6” high, will be permitted. Monolith type monuments (a statue, obelisk or column) with no base, must be a minimum of 28” in width and 40” high. Maximum base for any monument must not extend over 70% of the width of lot. Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc. may reject or remove any monument it deems objectionable.
Single markers (including foot markers) must be 26” long by 14” wide and a minimum of 4” thick. Markers for children under two years old may be 14” long by 8” wide and 4” thick. Double markers must be 48” long by 14” wide and 4” thick. Triple markers may be 72” long by 14” wide and 4” thick. All must be flat or flush with the top of the ground.
All monuments, markers, mausoleums and benches must be made of granite or approved marble. No artificial coloring is permitted in design or lettering on any memorial. No wedge nor slant type markers are permitted. No monuments nor markers will be received on weekends or holidays. Fort Smith Cemeteries, Inc. does not obligate itself to build foundations nor to set monuments.
In Roselawn Cemetery, the following sections are restricted to flat type markers, set level with the ground. Sections: “A”, “B”, “C”, “H”, and “I”. On lots with a minimum width of 10’ in above sections, a bench or seat type memorial may be erected at the head, in center of lot, in lieu of markers. The overall length cannot exceed 70% of the width of the lot.
Sections “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “HH”, “J” and “L” and all of Holy Cross Cemetery are permitted to have monuments, markers, mausoleums and benches.
Upright monuments are not permitted on single graves in Section “E”. When monument is used for a double space, it must be set at the center, head and subject to above monument regulations.
Any situation occurring, not specifically covered by these regulations
will be subject to the approval of the cemetery management.